Sunday, December 2, 2012

#5 Meeting individual needs

After reading the article written by Peter Westwood and Wendy Arnold, I would like to remark the following ideas concearning the diferentiated instruction: 

As is known, each student has a different background (social, emocional and cognitive) that surely influences on his/her behaviour in school and even more his/her learning process.

It is totally necessary to look at the students as individualls, trying to addapt our teacher tasks to their personal strengths and possibilities, to ensure that everybody in the class learns and evolves at it's own pace.

There is no master handbook on how to do it, it depends on the teacher and his/her ways to approach each learning situation, but there are several studies on this topic, that can be helpful and give us some ideas on how to manage the class and attend everyone's needs. 

As it's said in the text, there are some issues that have to be considered to assure the responsability with all kid's learnig processes, these are: the materials used in class, that have to be chosen consciously and with care; the grouping of students, that should promote the participation of everyone; the projects, that have to respond to student's motivations and the interactions between teacher and students, that have to be constant and significant. 

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